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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Alison Stone nygoddess3@aol.com

    I have been a Reiki practitioner for over ten years and want to share this powerful healing energy with others. I am also a licensed psychotherpist, so I can assist you with any emotions that arise du

  • Elaine Hamilton elaine@thought-labs.com

    I have been teaching reiki for the past 7 years and have recently started 'reiki for moms' classes in celebration of mothers' unique challenges and needs. Classes include babysitting for infants so co

  • Glenn Storm eyeofthestormreiki@hotmail.com

    I have personally experienced a shift in my energy level ever since my first attunement to Reiki, and ever since, I have personally gained many psychic gifts, such as past life (Linear Life) regressio

  • Janet Dagley Dagley info@reikidojo.net

    Multi-certified Reiki Master Teacher Janet Dagley Dagley is founder and director of The Reiki Dojo, based in New York City, and editor of The Reiki Digest, the world's only weekly publication about Re

  • K. N. Venkataraman (Venkat) knv1234@yahoo.com

    Venkat is a spiritually keen person and a serious Teacher/Practitioner of the simple and pure form of Usui Reiki. By profession Venkat is a successful investment banker, currently employed fulltime wi

  • Melody Pfeiffer melodycp@ix.netcom.com

    I offer treatment and training in Reiki Level I and II (member of the Reiki Alliance). In addition to my practice of Reiki, I am a practitioner of Transcendental Meditation and Kriya Yoga.

  • Naomi Thompson naomi@etherichealing.org

    Reiki has changed my life and I'd like to help it change yours! Please check out my website and contact me if you have any questions in regards to the services I offer. I am here to help and appreciat

  • Nicholas Sweeney nicholasreikihealing@yahoo.com

    I am an advanced Reiki practitioner in Manhattan. As I develop my practice, I am also studying with Margaret Ann Case (founder of ReikiArts Continuum) to attain certification as a Reiki Master/Spirit

  • Nicole Rivera petessen@sprynet.com

    I am a Reiki Practitioner located in the SOHO area of Manhattan. If you would like to experience the unconditional love and energy of your creator through Reiki please give me a call. I also use ge

  • Tava reikiinmyhands@hotmail.com

    -Began working with Reiki in 1995 -MA in Counseling (to be completed in May of 2003) -Will make outcalls in New York City -Reasonable rates

  • Thomas Verchot verchot@hotmail.com

  • Ulla Suokko UllaSuokko@aol.com

    In addition to an increasingly successful international career as a concert flutist and a performing artist, I am a Usui/Tibetan and Karuna Reiki Master. I teach all levels of Reiki classes as well as

  • rev hl schaeffer reikimaster_h@yahoo.com

    interfaith minister,medium, energy channeler,reiki- master/teacher- lecturer.seminars(group & private), fortune 500 consultant. stress management consultant.hypnotherapist.past life regressions