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Ulla Suokko


Ulla Suokko

Phone(212) 928-3974
LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesUsui/Tibetan Reiki, Karuna Reiki
In addition to an increasingly successful international career as a concert flutist and a performing artist, I am a Usui/Tibetan and Karuna Reiki Master. I teach all levels of Reiki classes as well as coach people to define their goals and reach for their dreams. It is my mission as an artist, Reiki Master and a human being to bring beauty, harmony, love and joy into this world and to empower others to do the same in their own individual way. Reiki continues to be a wonderful tool for myself as well as for my clients and students. Please call me for more details. May we all be successful and blessed on our chosen path!
Located in North America : United States of America : New York : Manhattan
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