Other forms of healing
By David Herron
Reiki is of course not the only form of "healing" there is. I want to give an overview of some other styles of healing that I've come across, some of which I practice.
Healing, remember, is the journey towards unity with your true essence, and it is not the limited model which modern medicine preaches as simply being the removal of symptoms. This distinction may seem small, but it is vast in its significance.
Energy Healing: Reiki is but one form of Energy Healing. All forms of energy healing have in common the utilization of chi and directing it by or through a practitioner for the betterment of their client. I have assembled an extensive web site covering all forms of energy healing.
The Journey to the Wild Divine: This is an affordable biofeedback system packaged as a computer game. The makers claim that playing the game will help you reduce stress, depression, learn how to achieve centeredness, and more. It has backing and endorsement from Dr. Jean Houston and Dr. Deepok Chopra.
The Sedona Method: This is said to be a simple method of letting go of unwanted or unpleasant feelings. I have not taken the training, but I know in my life that letting go of feelings is both very powerful and seemingly hard to do. When I first started learning to let go of my feelings, it seemed like it would be impossible, but it has turned out to be one of the most valuable things I've ever done for myself.Medical information: Medifocus offers nicely researched medical reports in many diseases or illnesses. The information they provide is obviously going to be slanted to the mainstream of medicine, and mention little if any of alternative medicine. However if you have one of the conditions they cover, and you are searching in alternative medicine, it is good to cover all bases in your research. Alternative medicine has a lot to offer, as does mainstream medicine, and both can be complementary of each other. Click here for more information.