Date: 2021-12-30T01:46:54.869Z
The following certificate was signed by Chujiro Hayashi on February 21, 1938. It certified that Mrs. Hawayo Takata had taken training personally supervised by Hayashi, and was empowered to teach others the secret knowledge.
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that Mrs. Hawayo Takata, an American citizen born in the Territory of Hawaii, after a course of study and training in the Usui system of Reiki healing undertaken under my personal supervision during a visit to Japan in 1935 and subsequently, has passed all the tests and proved worthy and capable of administering the treatment and of conferring the power of Reiki on others.
Therefore I, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, by virtue of my authority as a Master of the Usui Reiki system of drugless healing, do hereby confer upon Mrs. Hawayo Takata the full power and authority to practice the Reiki system and to impart to others the secret knowledge and the gift of healing under this system.
'MRS. HAWAYO TAKATA is hereby certified by me as a practitioner and Master of Dr. Usui's Reiki system of healing, at this time the only person in the United States authorized to confer similar powers on others and one of the thirteen fully qualified as a master of the profession.'
Signed by me this 21st. day of February, 1938, in the city and county of Honolulu, territory of Hawaii.
(Signed) Chujiro Hayashi.
The following image shows Hayashi visiting Takata in Hawaii while she is giving a demonstration of Reiki. Takata is sitting at the table in the middle of the room, and Hayashi is sitting on a chair towards the back. A banner at the top reads "Reiki Ryoho Ho Kai, 1937".
According to a Reiki history page maintained by Rick Rivard, records in Japan only indicate Mrs. Takata was certified as Okuden - or equivalent to Level 2. The certificate shown above indicates Hayashi gave her the Master's attunements during a trip to Japan.
Another page on Rivard's website contains excerpts from Takata's Diary. One says:
May 1
Went to cure the 2 girls of Baron Takn; 2 days and they were cured. Mrs. Harazawa at Keio Hospital, every night at 7:30 p.m. - Treatment for after operation - finds it very good and fast recovery. At the home office, patients began to increase ever since I came to them, it makes me feel good and very encouraging-
What was more than pleasing, was that Mr. Hayashi has granted to bestow upon me the secret of Shinje Den - Kokiyu Ho and the Leiji Ho - the utmost secret in the Energy Science. No one can imagine my happiness to think that I have the honor and respect to be trusted with this gift - a gift of a life time and I promised within me to do my utmost in regard to this beautiful and wonderful teaching that I just received - I shall promise to do what is right through sincereness and kindness and shall regard and respect the teaching and its teachers with utmost reverence and respect.