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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Alice Garrigues rvconsult2004@yahoo.co.uk

    Our Powerful Distance - Distant - Remote - Healing is about a powerful and unique technique where our team of healers broadcast over 30 different healing energies to you, a friend, a loved one or a pe

  • Dr. Rekhaa Kale rekhakale_reiki@yahoo.com

    Practicing Reiki since 1991. Teaching Reiki & other alternate healing methods, since 1995. Received two new symbols from Dr. Usui in 1996. Given a number of distance attunements with great results. D

  • Guru guru@reikiall.com

    You all are welcome to come and heal yourself as well as others it will help you develop your abilities Physically,mentally, emotionally and spritually

  • Gwyneth McNeil gwynethmcneil@sisna.com

    After a 41 year quest, in 1991 I recognized Reiki as that which I had been seeking. I practice Reiki daily, with gratitude, and teach in the manner of the ancient schools of mastery, as did also Maste

  • Master Raven rougemedic@gmail.com

  • Rosemary rlz@sonic.net

    Usui Reiki Master Teacher and graduate of The Berkeley Psychic Institute 1975 over 30 Years experience in the healing arts. visit website for testiimonials.

  • Susan Grace Wisniewski sgwgrace@aol.com

    Reiki Repatterning sessions for healing and transformation, Usui and Karuna Reiki classes, Spirit School of Intuitive Arts classes, Homeopathic Medicine Classes and Intuitive Guidance mentor.

  • Tora Or Project - Planetary Healing Reiki Network toraorproject@yahoo.com

    A Global Reiki Network co-operating with the Archangelic Orders of the Eternal Mother-Father God in a Planetary Light Matrix and Inter-Personal Light Body Empowerment Project.