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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Gigi Benanti , Usui Reiki Master angelhealreikigigib@snet.net

    Angelic Healing Center( Angelic Healing Touch Center) since 1996- I have taught thousands- Reiki is wonderful -- All levels are offered Reiki 1st Degree taught 1st Saturday Learn self healing 4 empowe

  • K. N. Venkataraman (Venkat) knv1234@yahoo.com

    Venkat is a spiritually keen person and a serious Teacher/Practitioner of the simple and pure form of Usui Reiki. By profession Venkat is a successful investment banker, currently employed fulltime wi

  • Laura Baker laurabny@yahoo.com

    Reiki healings and classes available. I will travel to your location.

  • Michael Kheyfets reiki@thereiki.com

    I am Reiki II Practitioner. The Traditional Usui System of Reiki. I offer healing seasons and consultations. I can be reached by e-mail or by phone at 203-961-8905. Activate your body healing power.