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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Chris M. Cortright cmcortright@hotmail.com

    I am an intuative Reiki 2 channel. I also work on opening your chakras using a pendelum. I am trained in Healing Touch Therapy. You deserve the relaxing, healing experience of Reiki. Call or e-mail

  • Linda Peters reikipeters@juno.com

    I have been practicing and lecturing on Reiki since 1993 and became a MasterTeacher in 1995. Currently I conduct monthly workshops for levels I, II, and Master certification. My workshops consist of 2

  • Lisa Chadwick-Peterson Reikini@hotmail.com

    Namaste. A 40 Year student/practitioner of spiritual and energetic healing arts, I am honored to serve the Spirit of All Life expressing infinite perfection through you, for you, and as you. Practiti

  • Pamela Fuller pfuller@keepingintouch.org

    I have a deep love for all people, all life forms, all religions and of none. I hold a B.S. in Health & Physical Education and I am committed to the healing arts. I studied massage therapy at the San

  • Rosemary rlz@sonic.net

    Usui Reiki Master Teacher. Graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute 1975. Distance healing specialist for all conditions including animals�see website for Testimonials. Over 30 years experience i

  • Virginia Matsuda/ Reiki Master dragorson@gmail.com

    Virginia is currently teaching Reiki Level l and ll. She also does distance and in person Reiki sessions on people and animals. Virginia is a volunteer at St. John's Regional Medical Center in Oxnar