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Pamela Fuller


Pamela Fuller

LevelLevel 2
LineagesDr. Mikao Usui ,Dr. Chujiro Hayashi,Mrs. Hawayo Takata ,Beth Gray,Denise Crundall,John Crundall
I have a deep love for all people, all life forms, all religions and of none. I hold a B.S. in Health & Physical Education and I am committed to the healing arts. I studied massage therapy at the Santa Barbara School of Massage. Our instructor studied Shiatsu in Japan, and of course we learned Swedish, reflexology and accupressure in our course of study. In my massage practice, I use heat, guided meditation, prayer and intuition to respond to the needs of the client. I am constantly furthering my education through seminars and experientials and have had the opportunity to study Huna (energy massage using the elements)from Serge Kali King in Ojai,CA. I am a Reiki I & II practictioner, and a Gentle Winds Instrument Keeper. I practice yoga and meditation on a daily basis and ' am committed to the healing of the human spirit. Namaste
Located in North America : United States of America : California : Camarillo,Ventura County
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