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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Jeannie Reno reikihealer@earthlink.net

    Reiki for Women-I offer individual one hour Reiki healing sessions with aromatherapy($40). Reiki classes are also available. I'm located in North Portland. Visit my website for more info.

  • Karen Gordon reiki@karenjgordon.com

    For twenty-two years I've been holding and working with Reiki energy. It's a true pleasure to be able to assist others as they explore their own healing journeys and processes through Reiki treatments

  • Reiki Art reikiart@live.com

    Reiki Art, Tibetan Reiki, Shamanic Reiki. Reiki Massage Sessions, Crystal Therapy, Attunements, Teachings, Free Distance Healing. contact Shani

  • Shani Shinpiden shanishinpiden@hotmail.com

    Reiki Art: Reiki Massage Sessions, Crystal Healing, Attunements, Teachings.

  • Sherry Hayes sherry_hayes2003@yahoo.com

    I offer reiki in Forest Grove, Oregon. Along with the original five precepts, my personal mantra is Love is All That Matters. Please see my web site for further information. Blessings to you!

  • Spirit Feathers SpiritFeathers13@msn.com

    Reiki Share Circle twice monthly, Free Reiki Clinic monthly by volunteer practitioners, classes, sessions, attunements. Welcome! 7704 SE 13th, Sellwood area of Portland.