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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Brigitte Novalis brigitte@brigittenovalis.com

    Reiki Master Usui tradition - certified Clinical Hypnotherapist - certified Master Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Psychology - originator of the Multi Level Tramsformation system - instant healin

  • Joan Doody, MS, ANP-BC jdoody@anamcharahealingarts.com

    ANAMCHARA HEALING ARTS Intuitive, Spirit-guided healing for body, mind and spirit. Supporting your personal transformation and spiritual path work. * Reiki Master Teacher, offering Usui, Raku-Kei

  • Leeanne R. Porta BuddhaHeartReiki@gmail.com

    I am looking to start a Reiki business on the south shore.

  • Marybeth M. Lang R.N. Reikiangels123@cs.com

    Marybeth McKinnon Lang offers Traditional Reiki attunements and sessions in Massachusetts & Vermont for self healing and healing of others as well as animals.

  • Olga Tumanyan olga@eternal-balance.com

    My practice of Reiki involves working with people who would like to rediscover and reconnect to their authentic self. I work with people who would like to make a positive change in the world but are s

  • Rob Fellows rob@reikidistancehealing.org

    Hello, I am a Reiki Master and I specialise in Reiki Distance Healing so that Reiki can be sent to anyone or anything, anywhere in the world. If you would like FREE Reiki Distance Healing to be sent