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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Chaya J. Ram reikiforlife@aol.com

    Reiki Master Teacher Chaya has been teaching and practicing Reiki for several years now and relies on the basics of yoga, breathing exercises, bodywork and plain old spirituality to further and promot

  • Chaya J. Ram reikiforlife@aol.com

    I am a reiki master-teacher and I teach reiki, bearing in my mind its yogic origins. I am ever-conscious that I am only reminding the body what it already knows to do: heal itself!! Reiki sessions en

  • Christine Brown harmony@godscol.com

    In November 2006, Christine began her career in alternative healing arts. She began offering Medical Intuitive Readings, Energy Therapy and Aura/Chakra Scanning services internationally via distance

  • Mary Ruth Van Landingham terrachrista@erols.com

    I am Master Teacher Level in Usui Reiki, Karuna, Sekhem-Seichim, Lightarian, Violet Flame, Mari-El Reiki. I work with crystals and gemstones. Certified Spiritual Response
    Therapy Counselor. I

  • Rosemary Leaver rlz@rosereiki.com

    Usui Reiki Master Teacher and graduate of The Berkeley Psychic Institute 1975. 30 Years experience in the healing arts. See website for testimonials.

  • Terry Liu terryliu_99@yahoo.com

    I am attuned to Reiki 3. For personal reasons, I do not charge for reiki. May Peace Prevail on Earth.