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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Cat Coley cat@reikidrumbeat.com

    Cat is a reiki master/teacher of the Usui reiki system as well as the originatr of the Reikidrumbeat healing reiki drumming. She teaches Usui Reiki and Reikidrumbeat; facilitates reiki drumcircles as

  • Glenn Storm eyeofthestormreiki@hotmail.com

    I have personally experienced a shift in my energy level ever since my first attunement to Reiki, and ever since, I have personally gained many psychic gifts, such as past life (Linear Life) regressio

  • Glenn Storm eyeofthestormreiki@hotmail.com

    I have personally experienced a shift in my energy level ever since my first attunement to Reiki, and ever since, I have personally gained many psychic gifts, such as past life (Linear Life) regressio

  • Kiki Peppard kiki@noln.com

    I am a Reiki Master/Teacher who has been practicing for 7 years. In addition to offering sessions to clients and teaching classes, I am available to do hands-on presentations to enlighten and inform

  • Lori Jacobs jacobslori@hotmail.com

    I am an Herbalist, Energy Healer, and Reiki Master. I specialize in hard to cure autoimmune disorders such as fibromyalgia chronic fatigue; hepatitis; arthritis and alopecia areata (patchy baldness or

  • Lori Jacobs jacobslori@hotmail.com

    My name is Lori Jacobs. I am a naturepath; energy healer; herbalist and Reiki Master, living in Brodheadsville Pa. I specialize in hands on healing and herbal tinctures for disorders such as alopacia

  • Lori Jacobs jacobslori@hotmail.com

    Lori Jacobs has been a practicing Herbalist and Energy Healer since 1994. She is a Reiki Master and has blended these two modes of healing by attuning all herbal remedies with healing Energy. She spec

  • Lori Jacobs jacobslori@hotmail.com

    The Healing Path specializes in autoimmune diseases such as alopecia areata; Lupus; arthritis; chronic fatigue; Epstein Barr and Crohn�s disease. These disorders are treated using my original herbal t

  • Lorna O'Farrell-Rodriguez EMSCookie@aol.com

  • Nancy J Hopping njhopping2@verizon.net

    I am a Reiki Master and practitioner of 15years. I have, and do now work with people and pets in Trauma, Cancer as well as hospice care.. I am an Empath who is Intuitive.

  • SARA ROBERTSON weir@enter.net

    From God through me to you. I transfer his gift to you with love.

  • jacobslori jacobslori@hotmail.com

    The Healing Path specializes in autoimmune diseases such as alopecia areata; Lupus; arthritis; chronic fatigue; Epstein Barr and Crohn�s disease. These disorders are treated using my original herbal t