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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Diane Bevan DBevan@NTI4.com

    I have taught Reiki I for the past 8 years at Adult Nights Schools in Pottstown, and West Chester. I also teach aromatherapy and meditation classes at these schools. I have just completed a meditat

  • Jennifer A Rose healyourheart@hotmail.com

    www.byregion.net/profiles/healyourheart.html I love to create love in all my surroundings. I love to balance the physical and the emotional into a state of spiritual grounded joy!

  • Rev. Jennifer A. Rose healyourheart@gtcinternet.com

    I teach and practice Usui, Shamballa, and Tera-Mei Seichem Reiki, as well as am a practitioner of IET, igilli, Frequency Balancing, Axiotonal Alignments, I am a Melchizedek Priestess, a member of Univ