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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Billie L. Watkins blw1947@msn.com

    I had an incurable illness known as Bechets Disease. My symptoms were life threatening. I had a Reiki experience that not only eliminated the disease but also made a remarkable difference in any ot

  • Billie L. Watkins blw1947@msn.com

    I had an incurable illness known as Bechets Disease. My symptoms were life threatening. I had a Reiki experience that not only eliminated the disease but also made a remarkable difference in any ot

  • Robin Poses reikibyrobin@aol.com

    October, 2000 I am relocating to Westerville, Ohio. I have a Reiki practice near Philadelphia and am anxious to find new clients and friends. I will be practicing Reiki in my home and hosting Reiki