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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Cherie Wylie CWylie0109@aol.com

    Reiki has proved its merit time and again. A painful back condition that could not be helped by doctors was helped within 2 weeks using Reiki. As a graduate of Barbara Brennan School of Healing, I a

  • Desiree Malouin, CHT shamanspirit_2000@yahoo.com

    I have been a Reiki Master since 1990 and am also am a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist after receiving a certificate from the, SoulWorks Hypnotherapy School in Boulder, CO. I have attended all 3 le

  • Robert Cameron Nagual2@aol.com

    I offer to share Reiki on a free will donation basis.I will attune people for the cost of the manual.