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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Barb Wiebesick sunhands@lycos.com

    I have been doing Reiki for over 10 years, teaching for 5. I teach Gendai Reiki, brought over by Dr. Hiroshi Doi several years ago from Japan, that shows many methods more for spiritual growth that w

  • Brenda Mason masonjb@wcta.net

    I have been a Reiki pratitioner for 4 years.I currently am co-owner of Brigid's House in Park Rapids.

  • Brenda Mason masonjb@wcta.net

    I have been a Reiki pratitioner for 4 years.I currently am co-owner of Brigid's House in Park Rapids.

  • Brenda Mason masonjb@wcta.net

    I have been a Reiki pratitioner for 4 years.I currently am co-owner of Brigid's House in Park Rapids.

  • Brenda Mason masonjb@wcta.net

    I have been a Reiki pratitioner for 4 years.I currently am co-owner of Brigid's House in Park Rapids.

  • Brenda Mason masonjb@wcta.net

    I have been a Reiki pratitioner for 4 years.I currently am co-owner of Brigid's House in Park Rapids.

  • Cheryl Hiatt poika@wcta.net

    Although I am a Master Teacher I am not teaching right now. I do healings either at my shop or in your home.

  • Jeanne Marie Troge earthdrummer@hotmail.com

    I am a Usui and a Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher and have been teaching for 5 years.

  • Jeanne Troge, MA brigidshouse@hotmail.com

    Jeanne is an Usui and Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher offering treatments and classes. She is also a shamanic practitioner and weds shamanism with reiki to provide shamanic reiki treatments as well.