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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Brigitte Novalis novalis@alphacenteronline.com

    You come to my website for a good reason - You are looking for healing - I am glad you found me because I can help you transform your life - Step forwward to do the healing work because you deserve a

  • David Fahey trainer@bodymindusa.com

    I am an Usui Reiki Master provide traditional Reiki treatments and classes in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. I am also a Certified Personal Trainer and will do all in my power to comfort and ai

  • Narsimmon narsimmon@yahoo.com

    I am a Reiki Master teacher (grand master). I have nearly a decade of experience in healing various ailments including chronic illnesses. I can provide attunements and initiation into Reiki. I have be

  • Starr B. dovenstar_reiki@yahoo.com

    Massachusetts, New England ~ Benefit from Starr B�s international Reiki training and ten years� experience! Partake a fun, inspiring Usui Reiki class; heal with powerful Intuitive sessions, which incl