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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Chris Oldham chris@lumin-essence.net

    Intuitive Reiki Healing assisted by Angelic energy and guidance. Comprehensive Energy Therapy, classes and workshops.

  • Robin Littlefeather reiki@abideawhilereiki.com

    have followed a healing path now for nearly twenty years. I started as a nondenominational lay minister and worked as one from 1980-1992. In 2000 I worked through the Ojibway tribe where I received

  • Robin Littlefeather Hannon robinlittlefeather@abideawhilereiki.com

    My name is Robin Littlefeather Hannon. I am a certified Reiki practitioner and teacher with a Master in Sekem-Seichim, as well as Lightarian� Reiki. I have always been drawn to healing and counseling.