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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Donna S. Croteau ReikiD6@aol.com

    I teach classes, offer healing sessions, and make all-natural body care products which are available for sale through my catalog (call 860.253.0648 or email NEssentials@aol.com for catalog or product

  • Life Force International ArboneLady@aol.com

    Reiki II Practioner I have discovered Life Force International and their nutritional products and holistic health pack and cleanse pack.

  • Lorette Starr SunnyStaar@comcast.net

    Holistic Hairdresser, Justice of the Peace Reiki Master natural home cleaning, beauty and health products and services

  • SUSAN HOOPER KELLEHER suzhoop54@gmail.com

    I have been a cerified Reiki Practitioner for the past ten years. Reiki by appointment Home treatment available