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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Charlie Hayes charlie_h@earthlink.net

    Hayes has been trained in spiritual work since meeting the Indian Saint Baba Muktananda in 1974. He received Shaktipat initiation in 1978. He has practiced and/or taught, Siddha Yoga, A Course In Mira

  • Christa Lynne lilplayfulpixie@aol.com

    Dedicated to bringing Love and Light to the world. Reiki treatments (traditional, and/or intuitive), Reiki attunements, Additional symbols class for current Reiki Masters, Animal treatments, High Self

  • Jean-Louise Jirik spirit@heliotrope-studios.com

    Jean-Louise has been a reiki master/teacher for many years and says "It is not what I do, Reiki is who I am." She offers hands-on and distance treatments for human and animal clients, animal communica

  • Rosemary rlz@sonic.net

    Usui Reiki Master Teacher and graduate of The Berkeley Psychic Institute 1975. 30 Years experience in the healing arts including animals. See website for testimonials.

  • Rosemary rlz@rosereiki.com

    Usui Reiki Master Teacher. Graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute 1975. Distance healing specialist for all conditions including animals�see website for Testimonials. Over 30 years experience in