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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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    Master Kataka Gara has been a Reiki Master and energy healer for 25 years. She incorporates many healing modalities with her sessions and classes, including: guided meditation, crystals, music and man

  • Aryel Greencraft a.k.a Richard Howard ArielGreencraft@cs.com

    I am a Usui and Karuna Reiki Master dedicated to introducing others to the healing power of the universe. I have regularly scheduled classes at Earth Central and I am creating a Reiki circle in Loomi

  • Bill Taylor / Mary Lynn Perry bill@heartflame-reiki.com

    I'm a 60 year-old male in a committed partnership. She is also available - we can work with you together or individually. Incall and outcall available. Short treatments also provided. Will do attun

  • Bryon (Mokuzen) thelightones@yahoo.com

    Hi, I am a Reiki Master/teacher offering the healing energy of reiki through distance healing techniques. I perform traditional healing, powerful "healing attunements" and "mind to mind" healings. I a

  • JILL DIXSON sisterskylove@yahoo.com

    hello im a usui level one practioner with the hands on healing, and learning more, as i go, on, and from sacramento ca and here to help others with healing

  • Lisa Chapman-Sorci, RMT, IARP LisaChapman-Sorci@msn.com

    I teach all levels of Usui Reiki. I specialize in working with our creature friends great and small. I work well with Doctors of Conventional Veterinary Medicine. I do accept two legged clients also

  • Lisa Prasad RKMaster@aol.com

    Reiki Master/Teacher, Karuna Reiki Master, healing prayerwork. All beings are welcome and loved---no bias here. contact me Lisa Prasad PO BOX 231782 Sacramento Ca 95823

  • Liz Stephens reikihands@sbcglobal.net

  • Marjorie Hertneck wasabicat@hotmail.com

    As a Reiki Master and ordained minister, I feel blessed to share this gift with you whether you are a recipient of healing or an initiate into Reiki practice. For me, the gift of healing is a sacred

  • Mark Greenia LuminQuest@SBCGlobal.net

    Reiki Master, Massage Therapist, Advanced EMF Balancing Technique Practioner, author of "Energy Dynamics: Conscious Human Evolution."

  • Nina Oddieo freespiritru2@cs.com

    A follower of truth, I wish to be of service to any who cross my path. Understanding that healing is a process beginning with Self is of utmost importance. Reiki is a channel to guide one along this t

  • Romanita Harrison snowdeer@hotmail.com

    I have been a Reiki Master for 5 years now and am recently resettled in the Sacramento area. I am looking to do Reiki in conjunction with hospice and hospitals. I am also looking to start a regular

  • Rosemary rlz@sonic.net

    Usui Reiki Master Teacher and graduate of The Berkeley Psychic Institute 1975. 30 Years experience in the healing arts including animals. See website for testimonials.

  • Rosemary rlz@sonic.net

    Usui Reiki Master Teacher. Graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute 1975. Distance healing specialist for all conditions including animals�see website for testimonials. Over 30 years experience

  • Shar Joy, Reiki Master/Teacher, Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher intothelight@midtown.net

    Experience the gentle, healing energy of Reiki. Reiki heals on many levels. I work with clients for stress management, emotional and physical healing, childhood issues and spirit releasement. I have

  • Tanya Flowers tanyaflwrs@yahoo.com

    Reiki energy sessions can assist you in balancing and healing on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. Bring more soul light and love into your life to open the heart and quiet the mind.

  • Teresa Media TAMedia@Comcast.net

    I became a Reiki Master/Teacher two years ago after working in the field of clinical psychology for over 15 years. I bring the best of both Reiki and counseling techniques to my practice. I currently

  • Vanessa Tormes vanessatormes@yahoo.com

    I am a Reiki Master-Teacher-Practitioner committed to love, compassion, & healing. I have a variety of healing modalities which can be incorporated in any Reiki session. I offer Reiki healing via Re

  • World Of Reiki world_of_reiki@freeautobot.com

    My name is Angel Benjamin. I gladly provide Long Distance Reiki treatment to all who suffer from illness whether your situation is severe or minor. No fees charged. Donations accepted. Please conta

  • echo echosaisis@aol.com

    level III Reiki practioner Offering reiki sessions to people in the sacramento/davis area by appointment only. Please put 'reiki' in the subject line, telling me why you would like a treatment, and ho