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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Anya Petrovic info@reikihealingsydney.com

    I started working with Reiki in 1996 and teach Reiki from 1999. I was leaded to and through Reiki by Denise Crundall, whose teacher was Beth Gray, who learned from Hawayo Takata. I also learned from L

  • David Herron david@davidherron.com

    Change is Good, especially when buying coffee

    As a hypnotherapist, massage therapist, Reiki master and a graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, David's prime interest is in helping peopl

  • Jane DeSanti Jane@ARejuvenatingTouch.com

    I am in trained in traditional Usui and I can incorporate gemstone therapy into your reiki session. Please check my website for massage modalities I also practice. Thank you.

  • Rosemary rlz@rosereiki.com

    Usui Reiki Master Teacher Graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute 1975 Ordained minister State of California Over 30 years experience in the healing arts Distance healing specialist for all con

  • The Reiki Guy thereikiguy@yahoo.com

    The Reiki Guy provides relaxation, stress reduction, pain relief, and healing through Reiki in Campbell, CA and surrounding areas. DISTANCE SESSIONS AVAILABLE! Main: (408) 796-7949 Msg: (408) 628-5235