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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Jenny Schneidewent jenny@renegadehealing.com

    Offering in-person and distant Reiki sessions for people and animals; Reiki workshops/training. Also offer sessions in: EMF Balancing Technique, Aqua Detox, Optimal Breathing, and various shamanic/in

  • Joan Doody, MS, ANP-BC jdoody@anamcharahealingarts.com

    ANAMCHARA HEALING ARTS Intuitive, Spirit-guided healing for body, mind and spirit. Supporting your personal transformation and spiritual path work. * Reiki Master Teacher, offering Usui, Raku-Kei

  • Joanne Murphy twinflamereunion@yahoo.com

    Offering Reiki healing for people and animals on a donations basis with the intent of being of service to Spirit,God,Life Force,whatever you may choose to call it. Included with that is my commitment

  • Nakri Healing Center Nadsa@Nakrihealing.com

    Our healing and learning center offers Reiki healing and certification classes. We also hold regular Reiki shares.