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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Barbara McKell barbara@soulconnection.ca

    I am an Usui /Tibetan Reiki Master Teacher, Intuitive Healer and Sound Healer. I have a healing practice in Guelph Ontario. I teach all levels of Reiki and conduct workshops on Subtle Energy Anato

  • Carol Ann Rowland energetichealing@sympatico.ca

    Energy healing counselling & psychotherapy. Release traumas, fears & concerns rapidly and gently. Specialization in recovery from abuse or other trauma. Reiki, Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT), Ener

  • Carol Watson lightone@sympatico.ca

    Carol is an intuitive healer and facilitator, awakening vitality through an integrated and holistic approach to wellness. A Teacher of Reiki, Karuna Reiki, IET, Axiatonal Alignment, Practitioner of Re

  • Chantal Garneau info@chantalgarneau.com

    I am a Reiki Master and Inuitive Counsellor in Georgetown Ontario. I offer private healing treatments, intuitive counselling and readings, as well as group/private/or semi private meditation classes,

  • Elaine Wright info@newawakening.ca

    Heal your Body, Mind and Spirit in a relaxing atmosphere. Release blocked energies and bring your body back into balance as it heals. I also offer Chakra Balancing and Ear Candling.

  • Sonya T. MacMurray Appointments@mysticalrites.com

    Tarot Card Readings, Dowsing/Smudging Services, Reiki Treatments (people & animals), Intuition Classes, Positive Thinking Workshops, Metamorphic Technique Treatments, Meditation Circles, In/Out Calls