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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Bev Connor waterships@execulink.com

    Reiki Master/Teacher, originally from the UK, now Canadian. Looking to help new clients in my new country.

  • CC christina@wellness.ca

  • Kathy kathy@reikithehealingpath.com

    Hi, Reiki Master Teacher in London area offers distant healing home study courses(and in person sessions) for all 3 Usui Reiki levels, Karuna Ki Master attunement and Lavender Flame Initiation. To exp

  • Lawrence Michail reiki@compassionatedragon.com

    I am trained in Acupuncture/Traditional Chinese Medicine, which according to recent revelations are the techniques Usui himself used. My main teacher was Denise Crundall and her Teacher was Beth Gray,

  • Lawrence Michail reiki@compassionatedragon.com

    I am trained in Acupuncture/Traditional Chinese Medicine, which according to recent revelations are the techniques Usui himself used. My main teacher was Denise Crundall and her Teacher was Beth Gray,

  • Rosemary rlz@rosereiki.com

    Usui Reiki Master Teacher. Graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute 1975. Distance healing specialist for all conditions including animals�see website for testimonials. Over 30 years experience

  • Zannie Rose zannierose@aol.com

    1:1 treatments and attunements at all levels Based near Kensington Gardens. 8.30a.m-7.30pm Kundalini Reiki distant attunements

  • jacqui Denomme jacqui.denomme@lpl.london.on.ca

    If you wish to send me information about yourself, picture, situation, I will do a distance healing for you free of charge. Am also a student of the Course In Miracles and will apply those principals