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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Astrid Lee Reiki@NotaWorryInTheWorld.com

    Release your negative emotions, stress, pain and fears. Surrender to the Universal Energy, and feel wonderfully relaxed. Book your Reiki treatment today with Astrid Lee, Reiki Practitioner

  • Lara Greve laragreve@gmail.com

    Lara is a Reiki Master who helps women connect with healing of the body, mind and spirit through Reiki and Energy Work. She approaches deep healing work gently and respectfully and responds intuitivel

  • Linnette Stoney ReikiLinnette@gmail.com

    I am a Certified Reiki Practitioner with Level 2 of both Usui and Jikiden Reiki. I offer both in person and distance Reiki sessions.

  • Merrie Bakker info@reflexologyreiki.com

    Pacific Holistic ~ Healing: Reiki, Reflexology, Dowsing and working with your Chakras. Reiki Treatment, Reiki Sessions and Reiki Training Classes offered since 1999. At website you'll be able to learn

  • Myorei Zeraffa info@myorei.ca

    It is my joy and honour to empower clients and students with Reiki universal healing energy to nurture their health, restore balance, and create greater joy and fulfillment in their lives. Being a R

  • Rick Rivard training@threshold.ca

    Local and distant training for seveal styles of Reiki. Reiki articles for beginners and experienced, Reiki facts, sample pages and attunements, Reiki resources.

  • Taline Bedakelian info@premma.ca