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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Charley Takaya charleytakaya@gmail.com

    In Reiki, Shinpiden was passed to only a few by Mikao Usui. My grandfather, lived to 104, was Michio Takaya of Yokohama, (Advisor to Hirohito), notable religious scholar, one who was an authority not

  • Daniel Hackett hackettllc@gmail.com

    I have practiced and taught the traditional (Dr. Usui) Reiki and Tibetan Reiki to assist in the healing of body, mind and soul. I also use crystal power, placing of rocks/crystals during the sessions.

  • Troy Griffin restorehealingenergy@gmail.com

    Traveling Reiki practitioner. Denver-Metro area. See website for more information and pricing at: www.restorehealingenergy.webs.com