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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Colleen Smith sleepingdog@hotmail.com

  • Rosemary rlz@sonic.net

    Usui Reiki Master Teacher and graduate of The Berkeley Psychic Institute 1975. 30 Years experience in the healing arts including animals. See website for testimonials.

  • Rosemary rlz@sonic.net

    Usui Reiki Master Teacher and graduate of The Berkeley Psychic Institute 1975 over 30 Years experience in the healing arts. visit website for testiimonials.

  • nigel shipston nigelshipston7@hotmail.co.uk

    I am a Soto Zen Buddhist and have been practising Reiki now for around 8 years. My other healing modality is Jin Shin Jyutsu. I practise these therapies within the NHS.