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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Green Woman Reiki - Energy Synergist lisa.d.pugh@gmail.com

    Green Woman - Energy Synergist. Lisa Dionne Pugh. Central in her unique manner and system of healing is Reiki in which she is qualified as a Master –Usui Tibetan. Listed below are the key h

  • Johann Hasler johann_hasler@hotmail.com

    I also work with Bach Flower Essences, Magnet Therapy and Homeopathy.

  • Rosemary rlz@sonic.net

    Usui Reiki Master Teacher and graduate of The Berkeley Psychic Institute 1975 over 30 Years experience in the healing arts. visit website for testiimonials.

  • Rosemary rlz@sonic.net

    Usui Reiki Master Teacher and graduate of The Berkeley Psychic Institute 1975. 30 Years experience in the healing arts including animals. See website for testimonials.

  • julie millard wolfcry04@yahoo.co.uk

    I am offering a mobile reiki healing service to people in all of devon and somerset. I also offer Indian head massage, reiki can also be given to animals, it is especially good for pets with serious