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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Christina Tinkler christina.tinkler@reikifrance.com

    The method of teaching and emphasis on different ways of using Reiki vary between different organisations, but for me there is only one Reiki, which should only used for the highest good. Now living

  • Christopher Falconer britishdruid@hotmail.com

    I am a teaching Reiki master, also a Karuna reiki MasterTeacher. I seek to work with animals primarily but of course any in need are welcome. Courses are run on an individual basis as needed.

  • Gillian spencer gillian.spencer@ntlworld.com

    After a career in Nursing and Midwifery I stepped on to another path in which we care for one another holistically. Two years ago my Master Teacher, Christina, gave me a gift and set the embers of lov

  • Rob Fellows rob@reikidistancehealing.org

    Hello, I am a Reiki Master and I specialise in Reiki Distance Healing so that Reiki can be sent to anyone or anything, anywhere in the world. If you would like FREE Reiki Distance Healing to be sent