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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • David Swann reiki@mailbox.uq.edu.au

    All levels of Reiki are taught for a maximum of $200 per day. Reiki I and II are one day each, Masters is three days. Workshop design incorporates Accelerated Learning techniques, and stress-free tea

  • Davyd Whitney davyd_w@yahoo.com.au

    G'day my name is Davyd Whitney and at the tender age of 24 one of the younger reiki practitioners.l do reiki full time So l am available at all times for ones needs l will do in/out calls 7days a week

  • Davyd Whitney davyd_w@yahoo.com.au

    G'day my name is Davyd Whitney and at the tender age of 24 one of the younger reiki practitioners.l do reiki full time So l am available at all times for ones needs l will do in/out calls 7days a week

  • Elfie Sullivan elfie@reikitoyou.com.au

    Reiki to you Looking for a fully qualified Reiki Master / Therapist in Brisbane? Elfie Sullivan Address 68 Flowers Rd Caboolture 4510 QLD Australia Reiki is an ancient vibrational hands o

  • Gary Romer & Kristina Romer romerkg9@bigpond.com

    In our Traditional Usui Reiki Level I workshops, you are attuned & learn how to use Reiki to enhance the health & wellbeing of yourself & others (including animals). Once properly attuned to Reiki Ene

  • Helen Wenham helenwenham@austarnet.com

    Reiki/Seichim/Orion Master/Teacher. Brisbane, Gold Coast & Sydney. Always Available for Private Personal Treatments and/or Training Courses. I teach Levels 1 2 & 3 Advanced & Master/Teachers Degrees.

  • Helen Wenham helenwenham@austarnet.com

    Reiki/Seichim/Orion Master/Teacher. Brisbane, Gold Coast & Sydney. Always Available for Private Personal Treatments and/or Training Courses. I teach Levels 1 2 & 3 Advanced & Master/Teachers Degrees.

  • Ivan Goh UsuiReiki@hotpop.com

    All levels of Reiki are taught. Reiki Master Degrees cost will be negotiated upon. I also teach Imara reiki which is the next step up. I also teach Seichim Reiki so if you are interested in learning

  • Jack Costelloe jackcostelloe@ozemail.com.au

    I entered the area of Reiki for some peace, friendship, mutual understanding and honesty. I enjoy doing reiki and the pleasure it can bring to others with harmony and balance.

  • Kristina & Gary ROMER romerkg9@bigpond.com

    Gary & Kristina Romer: (Brisbane) Reiki Grand Masters. (in Traditional Usui lineage of Reiki) and Gary is a Registered Naturopath, our aim is to empower you to enhance your health & wellbeing using

  • Lisa Kennedy earthangellisa@hotmail.com

    I would love to teach you the joys of Reiki and its many wonderful healing attributes. I am located in Annerley and also practice Bowen Therapy. Love Light & Blessings, Lisa EarthAngels'r'Us

  • Lisa Welsh Sassy1lives@optusnet.com.au

    I am located in a clinic in Toowong and am available for home visits. Along with Reiki I am a registered Remedial Massage Therapist. I am truly trying to do my bit to help heal the planet and the peo

  • Roz Bishop bishopx6@bigpond.com

    Hypnosis, counselling, NLP, Reiki

  • Stephen Benn stephenbenn2@yahoo.com.au

    2 Day Reiki Masters Courses. Attuning students to Master Level in Reiki and Seichim. Total cost for the course $300. Reiki Master, teacher, private sessions, Reiki Share Friday nights.

  • Stephen Benn stephenbenn2@yahoo.com.au

    I am a Reiki and Seichim Master. I am available for private sessions. Also 2 day weekend ATTUNEMENT course, at the end of the course you will be attuned from level 1 to MASTER LEVEL in both REIKI and

  • wendy aitken reiki3@hotmail.com

    female,5'.42 yrs old.