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The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

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  • Franz Devantier franz@devantier.ws

    Member of the RMA(Reiki Masters Association). I give treatments for stress reduction, relaxation and balance, which leads to wellbeing and healing. Hands on, hands off and distance treatments. Attune

  • Mark Pitout info@wedoreiki.co.za

    I'm a Reiki Practioner practising out of Moreleta Park, Pretoria. I give one on one tratments, Group Meditations and Reiki Training.

  • Nadine Clench naids@702mail.co.za

    I have always been drawn to a different way of life, and after several long years of searching I was truly blessed by the universe when my path crossed with a special angel who introdused me to Reiki.

  • Natasha Chandler Natasha_Chandler@hotmail.com

    "I was a simple soul...until I discovered myself"

  • Nella pillay Nellapilay@gmail.com

    Relieves pain, stress, emotional trauma, depression and lots more.