The Reiki Page directory of
Reiki Practitioners on the Internet
Adding Yourself to the Directory
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You have requested to be listed in the Reiki Practitioners directory. Before we can collect your description and other information, we must know where you are. Select the state or province you are to be listed in.
- Alsace (Bas Rhin)
- Aquitaine
- Auvergne
- Brittany
- Corse
- France entiere
- Ile de France
- Languedoc
- Languedoc Roussillon
- Marseille
- Normandie
- Paris, Ile Saint-Louis
- Paris, Villafranche
- Picardie
- Pyren�es Atlantiques
- Seine et Marne
- aveyron
- midi Pyrenees
If your state or province is not listed here, you may add another one.