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Shawn Connell


Shawn Connell

Phone(807) 577-1866
In 1996 while visiting my neice who had Level I Reiki Attunement. Had her give me a treatment session for the experience, which I enjoyed considerably. Well, the following spring 1997 I found a Reiki Master locally and signed up for Level I Reiki Attunement. I practiced Reiki Level I for the next couple years at home on immediate family. Then in fall of 2000 I felt the urge to further my training to Level II Attunement. So keeping in touch with my Reiki Master I was able to sign up for Level II Attunement. I continued practicing in my home and used my long distance training occasionally. In 2005 received Master Attunement. I invite anyone to try this warm and comforting healing art.
Located in North America : Canada : Ontario : Thunder Bay
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