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Susan Reardon


Susan Reardon

Phone(516) 967 - 6631
LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesUsui Shiki Ryoho
Sixth Sense Journeys mission is to integrate mind and body, bringing into balance all that is. Using various modalities including reiki, yoga therapy, and meditation your practitioner at Sixth Sense Journeys will guide you into a deeper level of healing, self understanding and fulfillment. Your Master practitioner at Sixth Sense Journeys, Susan Reardon, holds an MS degree in Exercise Physiology. With a solid scientific understanding of the human body,many years of personal and professional healing experience, Susan will be your healing guide. Susan is also a certified Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapist and ThaiYoga healing Arts Practitioner. Connect mind and body today. Take the next step...Let Spirit be your Guide.
Located in North America : United States of America : New York : Massapequa
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