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Neva Howell


Neva Howell

LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesTraditional Usui
My journey with Reiki has been about connecting with more of who I have been. The attunements awakened in me a connection with the spiritual gridline that has been created by all Masters past. It is a glorious addition to my healing work. Though attuned in Traditional Usui manner, my spiritual path has always been blended-tradition so it is with respect for each person's spiritual path that I attune and teach Reiki. What seems to happen a great deal, when I work with someone to co-facilitate a healing, is that childhood trauma and resulting cellular release around those kinds of memories occur. Reclaiming the inner child, or what I term "Original Essence" has long been a special emphasis in the way Spirit utilizes me for helping others heal. I have come to understand that we are closest to source and our own soul records, at the moment we incarnate. If we can remove the trauma and programming that have clouded our memory, we can reclaim that original mission and sense of Self.
Located in North America : United States of America : Tennessee : Pioneer
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