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Dori Ku 'ulei Spondike


Dori Ku 'ulei Spondike

Phone808 5420922
LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesUsui Shiki Ryoho Tradition
Aloha! I am a Reiki Master/Teacher trained in the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition. I have been practicing Reiki since 1999 and trained with Reiki Master Maureen Puaena O'Shaughnessy. I teach both First and Second Degree Reiki Classes on the island of Oahu (certificates presented upon completion of the class), hold Reiki cirlcles monthly for practitioners and also provide hands on and distance Reiki treatments. In addition, I am available to perform Reiki treatments for those patient's who are hospitalized. Reiki will expedite the healing process and enhance our immune system. I am a licensed R.N and have practiced nursing in Hawaii for the past 18 years. I have found that Reiki is an excellent complement to Western medicine and facilitates healing on both physical as well as emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Namaste and Blessings ......
Located in North America : United States of America : Hawaii : Honolulu
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