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Ruth Gill


Ruth Gill healwoman@blueyonder.co.uk

LevelLevel 2
LineagesAlan King
Greetings! I have Reiki One and Reiki Two certificates and have been practicing since 1999. I have experience working with a community healing group in East London, and have incorporated relaxation and massage techniques into my own sessions. I also have an Advanced Certificate in Counselling Skills and Theory from the Central School of Counselling and Therapy. I have worked voluntarily with MIND on their National Helpline and a local branch helping set up a Women's Support Group. I also have some experience in bereavement counselling. I now practice at my home in Southgate, offering a combination of Reiki, relaxation, light massage and personal counselling for women on an individual basis for a fee of �25 per session.
Located in Europe (West) : England : London : North London
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