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Hazel Jane Glickman


Hazel Jane Glickman

Phone01600 714797 or Mobile 07976 887220
LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesUsui and Tibetan and Seichem
I am qualified in the following. Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Crystal Healing, Kinesiology, and am trained to Master Level in Usui and Tibetan Reiki and in the three healing Rays of Seichem to Master Level. I also practise Shamanic Soul Retrieval. Reiki and Seichem and energy work are my forte and my love - I have been working with these energies for ten years and work in an intuitive holistic manner with guidance from our spirit helpers. No judgement is made about any client's situation or condition. I believe we all have our lessons and our path to walk and we are not in a position to judge someone else - EVER. I work with love and with the gifts given to us from outside of ourselves, we are a channel for healing energies. Yet we all bring our own skills to all that we do and so I work with intent to heal and know from experience that Reiki will always do what is needed at the time. I recently moved to Wales where I will be practicing and running courses in the Monmouthshire area (Abergavenny, Monmouth, Usk).
Located in Europe (West) : Wales : Gwent : Abergavenny
Located in Europe (West) : Wales : Gwent : Monmouth
Located in Europe (West) : Wales : Gwent : Usk
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