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5 Elements College (Rev. Dr. Timothy J. Bousfield)


5 Elements College (Rev. Dr. Timothy J. Bousfield)

Phone0700 632 0 632
LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesDr Usui>Dr Hayashi>Hawaya Takata>Iris Ishikuro>Arthur Robertson>Geanine Sande>Judith Trip>Derek Coker>Bill Davey>Shirley John
Qualified in the Bowen Technique (Gentle Touch), Homeopathic Tissue Salts and Bach Flower Remedies, Kinesiology, Native American Medicine (6 years apprenticeship), Oriental Remedial Therapy and Professional Therapeutic Counselling. A trained Reiki Master / Teacher and Advanced Practitioner, îffering courses in 'Traditional USUI ReiKi' and "5 Element ReiKi (TM)" based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Located in Europe (West) : England : West Midlands : Birmingham
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