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Elka Eastly Vera


Elka Eastly Vera

Phone415 750-0308
LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesUsui, Usui Shiki Ryoho
May all manner of things in this world be well! Reiki works wonders on all planes of healing: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. I blend my training as a priestess, energy guide, and spiritual coach with my Reiki practice, calling upon my clients' and my own angels, guides and allies to be present in a Reiki treatment. A session may incorporate essential oil treatments, crystal therapy, sound vibration, creative visualization, trance journey, spiritual contract review and release, chakra balancing, and intention-setting. I trust your energy system's own innate intelligence to direct the healing where it will be most impactful. I offer treatments in the healing oasis of my goddess-centered shop, Faith | Simply Magical Living, in San Francisco. The shop also hosts treatments by other healers. Many blessings to you!
Located in North America : United States of America : California : San Francisco
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