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Rajalakshmy Srinivasan


Rajalakshmy Srinivasan rajisrini@rediffmail.com

Phone0422-5393025 or 0422- 3042205
LevelMaster Teacher
I am a Reiki practitioner , teaching Reiki for the past 4 years. taught level-I, II, III, and master course. Also a pranic healer. Reiki I find is a powerful tool for personal development and Spiritual enlightenment. And is a wonderful healing theraphy , to make one a better person. As a Reiki Healer I send love and light, to all those need of healing, to the Planet in which I live and to the world's troubled areas. Thanks to Reiki, Thanks to my Reiki masters, Thanks to God for giving me the opportunity to become a Reiki Channel.
Located in Asia : India : Tamil Nadu : Coimbatore
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