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Leonie Patrice Rosenberg


Leonie Patrice Rosenberg

LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesUsui, Tera Mai, Karuna, Shamballa, Mahatma
I have been a lover of Reiki and practitioner for about 20 years. I am the creator of Mahatma Reiki - a univeral energy stream that connects to the Divine Feminine/Goddess Energy and facilitates the opportunity of Ascension. I am the resident Reiki Master at the Centre for Well-Being : the spa at the Phoenician Resort in Scottsdale. I was fortunate to be on staff when we first introduced Reiki to our services menu 10 years ago. I trained the therapists in 2000 in Mahatma Reiki and created the Reiki Chakra Balancing treatment which has given great benefit to our therapists and guests and was featured at the international Spa event in New York in 2002. I now only teach Mahatma Reiki and have taught many people who are trained in Usui and other forms of Reiki. Students consistently tell me Mahatma Reiki is more powerful than any other form of Reiki they have worked with. They report feeling more confident in themselves as well as the Reiki treatments they give. Clients have faster healings and more profound experiences receiving treatments. There are 9 symbols in Mahatma Reiki, 3 in each of the 3 levels. Each of the symbols relates to particular issues we all are facing with the opportunities and challenges of our times. I also have a private healing practice and use a combination of Counselling, Coaching, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Aromatherapy, Bio-Genesis Tools, Mahatma Reiki, Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology to assist my clients. I specialize with individuals who are in a stressful often crisis point in their lives. Using intuition and highly effective techniques I create a healing presence that releases mental/emotional stress and transforms their life. I feel my purpose is to facilitate a return to the inner balance and wisdom we all innately have and to empower the individual through teaching the highly effective techniques I have learned in my 20 years of seeking.
Located in North America : United States of America : Arizona : Scottsdale
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