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Joan Davy


Joan Davy

Phone(250) 642-1042
LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesUsui Reiki - Usui Shiki Ryoho (Usui System of Natural Healing)
Reiki is a beautiful healing modality that opens many doors. It helps to naturally balance the body, mind and spirit. It's gentle yet profound, and available to everyone.I began my Reiki journey in 1998 after being riddled with repetative health problems.My transformation into health is quite a contrast from that time! I received my Reiki Master Level in the year 2000. As a registered Jin Shin Do Acupressurist,I enjoy incorporating Reiki into my practice. I'm currently offering Reiki classes(Level 1 to Master Level)in Sooke, the Western Communities and Victoria, British Columbia.I love teaching and would be open to travelling. I also offer Introductory QiGong classes. Please feel welcome to contact me regarding treatments or training. Wishing you wellness. Namaste.
Located in North America : Canada : British Columbia : Victoria
Located in North America : Canada : British Columbia : Sooke
Located in North America : Canada : British Columbia : Langford
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