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Andrea Clancy


Andrea Clancy

Phone631 661 6836
LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesThe Usui System of Natural Healing
I have been a Reiki practioner since l987; a Reiki Master since 1992. I hold many workshops plus work with many clients. In addition, I co-head a prayer team at a spiritual center whereby many get assisted weekly. I am also a flower essence counselor (specializing in the Bach Method). I am presently teaching therapists these methods in order for them to assist their own cliental. I thank God for my many gifts because they all have been given in His honor. He has graced me with the gifts of seeing the blocks within the individuals (including myself) and to detect and eliminate particular patterns that are causing distress and disease. I myself had been very ill for many years--an invalid--and had been healed through the Love,Truth,Word and Grace of God. Through that process, I have been blessed with these intuitive gifts.
Located in North America : United States of America : New York : Babylon
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