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Don Beckett


Don Beckett johreiki@yifan.net

LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesUsui, Tera Mai, Karuna Ki, Siddheartha, Lightarian
I see Reiki as a great tool for connecting us to our true Self and to the Source of all energy. This connection to Source is what brings about all healing. Self-realization and healing are one and the same.

My primary interest is to empower people, to help them connect to their Source and true Self. Reiki is my favorite way of doing this. When I give a Reiki treatment, I also give an empowerment called Reiju. As we've learned recently, from living students of Mikao Usui in Japan, this was Usui's procedure. The Reiki treatment brings Source energy into the body, beginning the healing and the connection; and the Reiju empowers the person to give Reiki to himself/herself thereafter.

Simply giving self-Reiki frequently will increase one's capacity for doing it. There are also 3 distinct levels of training and empowerment in the Usui method. I offer these to people who desire to go further with Reiki.

Training and empowerments, like Reiki treatments, can be done either in person or from a distance. I have many students worldwide. Though I've been initiated into several Reiki lineages, I teach only Usui Reiki, focusing mostly on the history and techniques of Usui himself, as revealed by living students of his in Japan. This is quite a different picture of Usui and Reiki than the one presented to the world by Hayashi and Takata and their students.

For Usui, Reiki was primarily a means of spiritual self-awakening. It was Hayashi (a medical doctor) who changed the whole focus of Reiki to a "healing treatment" to be given to others. Usui realized that self-healing and spiritual awakening is the greatest contribution any of us can make to healing the whole world. He realized that self-healing is healing others and the world at the same time.

For more information about an accurate history of Usui and Reiki, and the changes brought by Hayashi and Takata, please visit my website: Reiki, Johrei, Macrobiotics: POWER TOOLS. There you will also find other tools for self-empowerment: Johrei, Macrobiotics, Deliberate Creation, Muscle Testing; and beautiful photos of Nature and works of art, plus a sporadic journal of life in Hawai'i.
Located in North America : United States of America : Hawaii : Hilo
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