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Stephen Donahue


Stephen Donahue

LevelLevel 1
LineagesUsui System
I am a Reiki I practitoner who received his training from Reiki Master Rev. Dan Pure. I have been practicing privately for three years and am now opening up a small public practice in the New Brunswick area. I am working my way through college (Rutgers University), and I could think of no better way to pick up extra money than by using my training to benefit someone else's health. If you are in the New Brunswick area and are looking for healing, please drop me a line. If you already have a practice in the New Brunswick area and are looking to expand with another practitioner, please let me know... it would be silly for us to compete with one another. I will update this profile when I arrive at college this weekend. Take care, and happy healing.
Located in North America : United States of America : New Jersey : New Brunswick
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