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Leah Jeannesdaughter


Leah Jeannesdaughter

Phone(267) 297-4769
LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesDiane Stein / Essential Reiki
Greetings, bright souls! Thank you for seeking out Reiki. My path is an eclectic one, so if you are a staunch traditionalist, please consider another teacher/practioner. I enjoy incorporating crystals, aromatherapy, and ritual with Reiki into hands-on work. In addition to studying Western mind science (I have an MA in clinical counseling / psychology), I have studied many other frameworks for understanding how our patterns and dynamics manifest on the earthplane, and how to shift them if we so will it. I am willing to work on a sliding-scale fee or even barter. I prefer to teach students one-on-one, but am also willing to teach small groups (no more than 6). Many blessings!
Located in North America : United States of America : Pennsylvania : Philadelphia
Located in North America : United States : California : San Francisco Bay Area
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