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Nilay Oza


Nilay Oza

Reiki Master, always happy to help someone. Areas of work include reiki, reflexology and crystal. Currently based in united kingdom. The word REIKI means Universal Life Force Energy, it is defined as being that power which acts and lives in all created matter. The word consists of two parts. The syllable REI describes the Universal, boundless aspect of the energy, while KI being the vital life force energy; which flows through living beings. It is one of the highest forms of energy in existence. Everyone is born with REIKI, for it is the energy of life itself. REIKI is not a religion, as it holds no creed or doctrine. It has nothing to do with spiritualism or the occult in any shape or form. It has nothing to do with the calling up of ghosts or demons, nor is it concerned with hypnosis or any other kind of psychological technique. To practice Reiki no special kind, of faith or belief is required. In REIKI treatments, use is made solely of neutral but concentrated form of cosmic energy. As most things in life, REIKI must be experienced to be appreciated, May your exploration of REIKI be a joyous one!
Located in Asia : India : Karnataka : Bangalore
Located in Asia : India : Gujarat : Ahmedabad
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