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Manuela Manuela@VisionofSpirit.com

LevelMaster Teacher
I have been a professional Medical Intuitive, Counselor, Regressionist, Reiki Master and Teacher and Energy Healer for 20 years. My profession deals with healing modalities such as Medical Intuition, clearing and balancing the Human Energy Fields, providing past/future lifetime understanding, Soul Rescue Pathwork, Meditation, using 'energy' to clear environmental disturbances. I do Remote Healings and Channelings. I give and teach Meditation classes and workshops on developing your Intuition.
Located in Europe (West) : United Kingdom : London : Acton, West London, all London
Located in Europe (West) : Germany : Unknown : Stuttgart
Located in Australia : Australia : Victoria : Melbourne
Located in North America : United States of America : California : San Francisco
Located in Europe (West) : Germany : berlin : berlin-germany
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